Korean-American Physicians Association of New York (KAMPANY) Bylaws
Article I. Name of the organization.
The name of the organization shall be “Korean-American Physicians Association of New York,” abbreviated as “KAMPANY.” The organization was previously named “Korean-American Medical Practitioners Association of New York,” abbreviated as “KAMPANY.”
Article II. Purpose of the organization.
The purpose of KAMPANY is to strengthen professional relationships and provide networking opportunities for Korean-American physicians working in New York, promote public health awareness and preventive health within the community, and cultivate community service and philanthropy among its members.
Article III. Membership
A. Active Member
A person is considered an active member if he or she has paid the annual membership dues. In the event that annual membership dues are waived in any particular year, a person is considered an active member if he or she has attended 50% of the general meetings, or one of the major KAMPANY activities or functions requiring an admission fee. An active member shall be entitled to one vote in matters that require an open vote at a general meeting, to serve as an officer if selected, and to all benefits of active membership as defined in any given year. The steering committee reserves the right to deny or revoke membership if a person does not demonstrate a commitment to the purpose of the organization as defined above.
B. Honorary Member
A person is considered an honorary member if he or she does not fulfill the criteria for active membership, but shares a commitment to the purpose of the organization as defined above and is thus bestowed honorary membership by the current president and steering committee. An honorary member is not entitled to vote, to serve as officer, or to any of the benefits of active membership.
Article III. Officers and Committees
A. Officers
1. President
2. Secretary General
3. Treasurer
B. Steering Committee
C. Executive Committees
1. Membership
2. Activities/Fundraising
3. Bylaws
4. Community Outreach
5. Scholarship
Article IV. Governing structure and decision-making
A. Steering Committee
1. all past presidents may serve, without screening, on the steering committee
2. all past presidents may serve continuously if they elect to do so
3. must have no fewer than 9 members, and no more than 20 members, in any given year, with absolute preference given to past presidents, and secondary preference given to past officers if fewer than 9 past presidents are available to serve
4. in the event that more than 20 past presidents elect to serve on the steering committee, preference shall be given to the most recent past presidents
5. minimum of 50% should be past presidents
6. primary role to advise the president elect
7. initiates action in the nomination of the next president
8. supervises the president, and initiates action in the vacating of the presidential office prior to the end of the presidential term
9. selects an interim president, if the presidential office is vacant
B. Procedure for filling and vacating the office of the president
1. presidential term is one year
2. steering committee nominates presidential candidate, must be approved by majority internal vote of steering committee
3. presidential candidate(s) subject to majority vote by the active membership during the general election
4. steering committee, by majority internal vote, can move to vacate the presidential office prior to the end of the presidential term
5. vacating the office of the president subject to majority vote by the active membership during an ad hoc general meeting
C. Procedure for filling non-presidential officers and committee chairpersons
1. President appoints officers and committee chairpersons to serve during the term of the president
2. President may, at his discretion, appoint adjunct officers—Vice President; Assistant Secretary General; Assistant Treasurer-- that serve in an assistant capacity
3. President may create and appoint ad hoc committees and chairpersons
Article V. Meetings and Elections
A. General meetings
1. Minimum of one general meeting per year, open to all active and honorary members
2. General meetings shall be announced to officers and active members with at least one week’s notice, by a method approved by the steering committee
3. At minimum, a general meeting must have in attendance, the president, at least 1/3 of the steering committee, at least 1/3 of the executive committee, and at least 1/4 of the active membership.
B. Executive meetings
1. Minimum of one executive meeting per year, open to all officers, steering and executive committee members
2. Executive meetings shall be announced to officers, steering and executive committee members with at least one week’s notice, by a method approved by the steering committee
3. At minimum, an executive meeting must have in attendance, the president, at least 1/3 of the steering committee, and at least 1/3 of the executive committee
C. Ad hoc or special meetings
1. the organization may require assembly on an ad hoc basis as circumstances dictate
2. ad hoc or special meetings may be announced with a minimum of one day’s notice to officers, and/or active members
3. at minimum, an ad hoc or special meeting requires the attendance of the president, at least ¼ of the steering committee, and ¼ of the executive committee
4. decisions that require immediate action may be initiated with majority approval of the members in attendance
D. General Elections
1. for the purpose of electing the president
2. presidential nominee(s) determined and approved by the steering committee
3. elections shall be announced to officers, steering and executive committee members, and active members at least two weeks in advance, by a method approved by the steering committee
4. at minimum, 50% of the current officers, and 1/3 of the active members, must vote, either in person or by proxy
E. Special elections
1. in the event that, due to unforeseen circumstances, a general election is not possible, and the office of the president is vacant, the steering committee may conduct an internal special elections to nominate and approve an interim president, until a general election can be arranged
2. at minimum, a special election of steering committee members requires 2/3 attendance, and majority vote of the steering committee members in attendance
F. Elective Activities and Events
1. Gala: for the purpose of festive assembly of all active members and patrons, prospective members, individual and corporate sponsors, and respective significant others
2. Health Fair: for the purpose of educating the community and the public about preventive health and health-related concerns
3. Scholarship: for the purpose of identifying and nurturing scholars and role models who demonstrate academic promise, leadership ability, and philanthropy
Article VI. Revisions and Amendments to the Bylaws
A. In the event that the organizational bylaws are misplaced or grossly outdated as determined by the steering committee, a revised bylaws may be presented for approval by majority vote at a general meeting. Prior to the general meeting, a revised bylaws may be approved by the steering committee on an interim basis to conduct the organization’s operations.
B. Amendments to bylaws shall be voted on and approved by majority vote at a general meeting.
Article VII. Indemnification clause
The organization agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless its members and officers, from and against all liability, loss, cost or expense (including attorney’s fees) by reason of liability imposed upon the member or officer, arising out of or related to the organization’s activities, whether caused by or contributed to by the members or any other party indemnified herein, unless caused by the sole negligence of the member or any other party indemnified herein.